Every traveler or tourist impatiently wait for their desire to ride an elephant – and most likely to the Amber Fort in Jaipur. However, the tourist remains unaware of the ideologies behind the human-elephant activities, which then questions the moral, social and territory obligations of the society. Then the sources of these elephants stand to be questioned. How old have been they serving? how many were there in total? and how many were orphans in them? The answer is never definite or still. Although we at the castle and king were well aware of the dispiriting of the adventurers by the decision, we know and respect or guests to understand the decision and the reason behind it. Another matter in question is the habitat of the creature and the area they train in. Elephants, being a majestic mammal, abides to do the work under the atrocity and the cruel and harsh practices to train them and separate them from the wildness and who they really are. As a fact, elephants cannot be kept and domesticated like dogs and horses. Even when not being the ones to entertain they are kept confined and are never set free. For this reason, the castle and the king inc. no longer provides any elephant rides and neither appreciates them. This claims to be the truth is not only in Jaipur but also in other countries. 
This is a step towards making our customers well aware and informed and we highly appreciate our travelers who took the time to read and understand how and why we took the environment-friendly decision. In the future too, we hope to remain your best travel choices being the one to stop the extinction of some exceptional species.